Tuesday 12.31.13

Warmup: 3x 50 du /10 squat/ 10 passthrough

Wod: 13.1 (competitive ppl are required to meet open standard of the burpees. Scaled just normal burpees parallel to bar)
17 mins
40 burpees
30 SN (anyhow) @75/45
30 burpees
30 SN (anyhow) @135/75
20 burpees
30 SN (anyhow) @165/100
10 burpees
Max SN (anyhow) @210/120

30 burpees
30 SN anyhow
20 burpees
30 SN anyhow
10 burpees
Max SN anyhow
- picking a weight where you move well at and staying with that weight throughout the wod.

10 min squat hold

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